The Extraordinary Annual General Assembly 2020 -

The Extraordinary Annual General Assembly 2020

The Extraordinary Annual General Assembly 2020 923 1228 irblcci

Extraordinary General Assembly of Iran, Belgium and Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce was held on Tuesday, 22/12/2020, at 15:00 with the presence of 21 members out of a total of 31 eligible members (personally or by proxy) of this joint chamber, under the direct supervision of the representatives of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines & Agriculture international and legal Affairs, respectively Mr. Farzad Mehrani, and Mr. Nematollah Fathi.

However, due to the failure in ensuring the fairness of the board elections, including non-compliance with Article 28 of the statute, in the absence of some board candidates and the failure of their legal representatives in representing them (despite having a proxy letter) and complaints and protests by candidates, in order to avoid further disputes, it was decided to re-hold the Extraordinary General Assembly with the following agenda on 19/1/2021 at 14:30 in the Iran Chamber under the direct supervision of the officials of the Iran Chamber.

– Hearing and reviewing the 2020 performance report of the board of Directors
– Hearing and approving the performance report of the board of directors, reviewing the balance sheet and the inspector’s statement on the activities of the joint chamber up to the fiscal year 2019
– Deciding and approving the final state of the financial statements of the fiscal years 1394 (March 2015- March 2016) and 1395 (March 2016- March 2017)
– Determining the entrance fee and the annual membership fee of the members
– Choosing a widely circulated newspaper
– Election of the Board of Directors (5 main members and 2 substitute members for 3 years: Article 25 of statute) from the members of the Iran, Belgium & Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce & Industries
– Election of Chief Inspector and Substitute Inspector (for one year: Article 40 of the statute)
– Review and decision on other matters that are within the scope of the General Assembly’s annual general duties.

Meeting Place: Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture; No. 175, Shahid Mousavi St., Taleghani St. Tehran, Iran